Chipperfield Village
Chipperfield’s official village website. Here you can find out more about the village its great amenities, clubs, organisations and read the villages own newspaper, Chipperfield News
Visit the News page to download the latest edition of Chipperfield News or choose from our archive of previous editions.
Each edition of Chipperfield News includes a village diary with details of the months events in the village, articles of interest, church notices and advertisements for local businesses and services.

For many centuries Chipperfield was an outlying settlement of the village of Kings Langley, being on the boundary of the domain of the Royal Palace there. The first documentary evidence of the name is found in 1316, when Edward II bequeathed ‘the Manor House of Langley the closes adjoining together with the vesture of Chepervillewode for Fewel and other Necessaries’ to the Dominican Black Friars. The name is probably derived from the Anglo-Saxon ‘ceapere’ –a trader and ‘feld’ meaning field, suggesting that there was some form of market in early times. Village History
The Village
Chipperfield is a small active village situated on a crossroads approximately 5 miles south-west of Hemel Hempstead and the same distance north-west of Watford. The village occupies a site some 1.75 miles east to west and 1.75 miles north to south on a chalk plateau at the edge of the Chilterns, some 130 to 160 metres above sea level. The chalk is overlain with pebbly clay and sand to the south and east and clay with flints to the north and west. There are two dry valleys where the chalk is exposed i.e. at Dunny Lane and Whippendell Bottom. The Village